As a current Level III, with only my goal and return needed for my Level IV, I believe that having no distinction between non-electric and electric sailplanes in the same recognition levels in the LSF program is unfair and a “slap” to those who achieved LSF levels under the current SAP program. I do support the advancements in our sport with electric sailplanes, and in fact I will have a Mystique RES ready by spring, but I firmly believe this component in our sport needs to have a separate achievement program and recognition on completion of the levels. To change the degree of skill in launching and in searching for appropriate lift to achieve the tasks will effectively weaken the accomplishments of those already having achieved levels in LSF. I feel if this change is accepted as proposed, the pride felt by those in the current LSF program will be greatly affected. I would not feel proud to complete my Level IV, and possibly someday my Level V, with an electric sailplane. If I desired to pursue a standard of achievement with an electric sailplane, I would want it to be on a level playing field with other electric sailplanes and not incorporated into the current LSF program. I cannot support the current proposal but could support a separate stand-alone ELSF SAP where those using electric sailplanes would start the ELSF program at Level I and receive a designation at each level as ELSF and not just LSF.