dHarban wrote: snip...
The first change that I would propose (and maybe the most important) is that EVERY attempt at a Flight Task be declared prior to the launch for that task. Only one declaration PER TASK PER DAY would be permitted. For the purposes of the declaration a TASK would constitute one discrete flight task unless specifically excepted. i.e. if the Precision Spot Landing task for a particular level called for five landings meeting a certain specification, each landing would count as a discrete task and could be attempted once on any calendar day. An aspirant who had not completed any of these landings could declare each one, up to a total of five, and count the successful ones on that calendar day. If he showed up on another day with, say, two remaining landings, he could make up to two declarations on that day. And so on until the task was accomplished.
The reason for proposing that change is reduce the possibility, especially on some of the higher level Thermal Duration Flights, that the completion of the task would be the result of flying into a thermal. My experience is that, at least up through the 30 minute thermal, that on any given summer day a guy is going to hit it with nothing more than blind luck and patience. Especially onerous in this regard is the 30 minute Level III Thermal Duration Flight. We go out on a lot of summer days here with our Radians and just launch and fly. Other than having to land if a restart is needed, it is a rare day where one of the flights we put up on one or two batteries won’t exceed 30 minutes.
These changes are intended to increase the Flight Task content without requiring any additional equipment capabilities over the existing SAP. No changes are proposed for the Competition Requirements.
Happy Landings,
I would not support this proposal as its only value is to drag out the process. How would it benefit anyone to have only one attempt a day at a task, other than to drag out the process?
If you need 5 landings to complete your level 1 why can't you do them all on the same day? And what does it matter if you need 15 attempts to do the 5.
OK, 5 landings done. On to the 5 minute thermal flight and the 15 minute slope flight all in the same day? Bingo, you have completed the requirements for level 1. You feel good and charged up and want to immediately start on level 2.
Under your proposal, a pilot who only flies once a month would need 7 months minimum to complete level 1. And if he missed any of the declared tasks, well that's another month to complete level 1. It could take years to complete level 1. Why?
No disrespect intended but what is the value of slowing things down and making this some kind of onerous drudge? If someone can accomplish 3 tasks in a day why would we want to discourage that? What is the benefit?
Note that I have that issue with the current program as well,
if I understand the process. You can't start to work on Level X until you have mailed and postmarked the paper work for the previous level.
For example, let's suppose I need my 2 hour slope to finish level III. If I am at the slope and I have done my 2 hour slope flight, finished my level III. I have my witnesses, they have signed off. Level III done. Great.
Why can't I start on level 4 right here and now? I toss out the glider and start my 4 hour slope flight? I am at the slope, the lift is good, witnesses are here ... why not?
I personally just dislike barriers that contribute nothing other than to drag out the process. People grow tired of it an just drop it.
That's just my input.