Application for Membership
To: LSF Executive Board
I, __________________________________________ (please print first and last name) will support the philosophies, concepts and criteria set forth in the Bylaws of THE LEAGUE of SILENT FLIGHT and give notice herewith of my intention to become an ASPIRANT and attain Level 1 of the:
_____LSF Soaring Accomplishments Program
______LSF Electric Soaring Accomplishments Program
(Please check one or both programs)
and by so doing, earn full recognition and privilege of membership.
If already a member by previously completing Level I of either the SAP or ESAP
Enter LSF member # : ____________
AMA or FAI license Number ___________________ (Required)
Signature: ____________________________________
Mailing address: _________________________________________________
City: ________________________ State: ____ ZIP: ________________
Country: ___________________________________
E-mail address_____________________________ (optional)
email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please email all completed LSF task sheets to the LSF secretary
Upon the LSF Secretary’s receipt of this application and entry into the LSF database you will be granted Aspirant status. When you have properly completed the tasks for Level 1, return the voucher to LSF and you will be given an LSF member Number. This member number is for life.
If not already a member, upon acceptance by the LSF Secretary of a correctly completed Level 1 voucher, you will become a full member of the League of Silent Flight. You will then be issued an LSF membership number. Members will retain their same membership number through both the SAP or ESAP.
There are no membership dues with LSF. The LSF is an honor system and your cooperation will assure prompt attention to your voucher submissions.